
“Queen of all Trades”

As a Newlywed, an Event Designer, Espresso Bar Owner, Art Gallery Connoisseur, Travel Consultant, Graphic Designer and Stylist, my daily routines seem to be very elaborate lately.

Hello and welcome to my blog. My name is Maryla Colandrea and I am a
“Queen of all Trades,” as friends say.
Since event planning has so many “new” definitions, I have inadvertently become knowledgeable of many more occupations
than I signed up for. Including plumbing! Maybe one day I could tell you that story! I must confess that no matter what each day has in-store for me I love learning new tactics to maintain the title “event savvy.” That is why today I decided that it would be too out of the ordinary to just relax, so I am teaching myself how to blog. I hope that through this endeavor I could inspire you to indulge in the unknown, learn tips and tricks to plan anything with confidence, to keep up with styles and trends and most importantly do so fashionably and with a smile.

Much Love,